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Skip to contentFieWin App provides multiple chances for earning money using different methods in FieWin App. users can earn money through playing games, Opening Daily Jackpot, Collecting Rewards, Referral Commission and Agent Million Cash Growth Plan. Here we will talk about the Agent Million Cash Growth Plan.
As the name suggest, this method provides users with the chance to win up to 1 Million Rupees. This process is very easy and with little hard work and patience you can achieve this milestone. But before that you must download and register on FieWin App so that you can also win 1 Million using the method revealed in this post.
Download App Now
What is FieWin Agent Million Cash Growth Plan?
FieWin Agent Million Cash Growth Plan is the plan where users need to invite certain number of users and reward money is provided after the task is completed. Final and biggest prize money is 1 Million and after which this plan is named.
We will discuss the Plan in detail and also provide you with some working tips to complete all the levels very easily and in decent time. Keep reading this post till end to get complete information about the FieWin Agent Million Cash Growth Plan.
FieWin Agent Million Cash Growth Plan: Details
First You need to open you FieWin App. Below are the steps to access FieWin Agent Million Cash Growth Plan.
1) Open FieWin App
2) Click On the Invite Button in the Bottom Menu.

3) Click On the Agent Million Cash Growth Plan Button

4) You can See the different levels given.

No we will understand these levels in detail. There are total 7 Levels and certain prize money is decided for completing each level. You have to invite Effective users to complete all these levels. Effective user is the one who has downloaded fiewin app from your link and recharged over 100 Rupees.
Level 1
Name | Effective Users | Prize( Rs) |
Iron | 0 (Only 1 Registered User) | 3 |
Level 2
Name | Effective Users | Prize (Rs) |
Bronze | 1 | 50 |
Level 3
Name | Effective Users | Prize (Rs) |
Silver | 5 | 300 |
Level 4
Name | Effective Users | Prize (Rs) |
Gold | 20 | 1500 |
Level 5
Name | Effective Users | Prize (Rs) |
Platinum | 50 | 4000 |
Level 6
Level 6 is Divided in 4 Mini Levels where 1000 effective User are needed to get 1 Lac Rupees.
Name | Effective Users | Prize (Rs) |
Diamond 1 | 100 | 10000 |
Diamond 2 | 200 | 20000 |
Diamond 3 | 300 | 30000 |
Diamond 4 | 400 | 40000 |
Level 7
Name | Effective Users | Prize( Rs) |
Master | 10000 | 1000000 |
How to Complete all Levels?
As we know getting referrals for the app is tough task and inviting effective users is even more tougher than that. So you need to think out of the box to get your job done. We have completed till 6 level and soon we will complete master level. you can see the proof below.

We have used below mentioned methods for completing all the levels. You can also use them as we have got expected results from them.
- Facebook ads
- Facebook Groups
- You Tube Promotion
- Google Ads
- Twitter
- Instagram
- WhatsApp Group
Still if you want to see how these methods work then you can watch our video for the same. Sign Up on Mantri Mall APK App to earn money by playing color prediction games.
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