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Skip to contentCircle Game : FieWin App is really gaining huge popularity now a days and lots and lots of users are been registered everyday. Seeing the interest of people, FieWin has also started providing new features and games to the players.
Recently on 25th June 2022, FieWin has launched one more game, Circle. This game is also interesting like other games and people are taking keen interest in playing Circle game. In this article we will discuss the Circle game in detail and also share some really working methods which you can apply while playing the games so that you can win more.
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What is Circle Game?
App Name | FieWin Apk |
Game Name | Circle Game |
Release Date | 24th June 2022 |
Trick | Result Pattern |
Download App | Click Here |
Highest Prize Money | 18 Times |
In this game player has to guess the color out of three Colors, Yellow, Green and red. There is certain multiplier for every color appears in result. Circle is rotated and pointer stops on certain color which indicates the result of the Game.
You can play this game with minimum 9.8 Rupees and one move of the circle game completes in 30 seconds. Users get 20 seconds time to think and guess the color and 10 seconds are utilized in declaring the result.
How to Play Circle Game?
You need to guess a color and bet some amount of money one that color. For Yellow and Green Color Ratio of betting Money and Award is 1:2 which means if you bet 9 rupees then you will get 20 Rupees.
For Red Color you will get 18 times the money you bet. But Red color appears rarely in results so you need to be careful while selecting red color.
Along with Colors there are three segments represented by Buffalo, Lion and Elephant. If you select these Segments then you will get 3 times your money but probability of your opted result will be 33 percent while in selecting colors is 50 percent so you need to think properly and analyze the situation properly.
Circle Gaming winning Trick ?
As we know that player need to guess the color so this game is based on luck and guess work. So you can’t have a fixed trick or any kind of hack which you can use to win the game.
Instead of searching for winning tricks you can just try to read the result pattern properly. Try to figure out the definite pattern formed by the colors in Circle. This method of observing the pattern is really very helpful and people are using it to win the circle game.
Features of Circle Game?
As of now there are hundreds of game available on internet which allow you to play and make some money out of it. Here are some unique features of Circle Game which makes it better than others.
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1) Circle Game takes 30 seconds to complete one move. So users can play more games in short span.
2) Circle Game has high chances of probability.
3) Pattern of the result is easy to understand
4) Easy and simple to play.
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